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More memories ~ less stuff

John Heard

Are you weary of the constant bombardment of BLACK FRIDAY deals? Does it feel like this "special" day has been ongoing for a month?

Generally Black Friday marks the start of the shopping season which follows Thanksgiving Day

(Thursday 28 November this year). There are loadsa theories on its origins: One is that it was used to describe the dark days relating to the gold market crash of 1869. Another dates back to the '60s - when Philadelphia police started to use it to describe the chaos created by huge crowds which descended on the city in search of them bargains.



We're offering the first 10 Wild Wales Gravel Festival CHRISTMAS bookings a 10% discount. You'll receive a specially designed personalised printed ticket/gift card +++ surprise Christmas gift - for under the tree!

Enter code <Christmas10> at checkout.

adventure and memory makers...
  • riding in beautiful places

  • chilled social vibes

  • wholesome and delicious food

  • stunning locations

  • the company of a super welcoming community

Here's a snapshot of what to expect at Wild Wales

Wild Wales Gravel Festival in Partnership with:

we'd love to see you there!



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